online mutual fund investment platform.
- Happy Investors1880951
- asset under advice106271 Cr
- FUNDZBAZAR Distributors32457
FundzBazar (FB) is a customer friendly online investment platform owned by Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Ltd. (Prudent) which offers quick and easy services through web portal and mobile application to invest online in various financial instruments. Currently FundzBazar (FB) is offering services related to investment in Mutual funds & NPS. It will extend its services to other financial products soon.
Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Ltd. (Prudent) started in 2000 as a mutual fund distributor, has expanded multi-fold in all aspects of wealth management in last 20 years. Currently it has its presence across 105 branches in 23 states.
The group provides integrated wealth management solutions through Mutual funds, Equities, Commodity & Derivatives, Bonds, Fixed Deposits, PMS, AIF, Structured Products, Unlisted Shares, Insurance and Realty through various group companies and widespread branch network across India.
Prudent is the winner of CNBC TV 18 Financial Advisor award for Five years in a row.
Resident Individuals, NRIs, Minors, HUF & Corporates can open an account with FundzBazar.
Yes, a KYC compliant individual investor can open an account with FundzBazar without submitting physical documents. However, for opening a HUF and Corporate account, few physical documents need to be submitted.
You can check your KYC status at
You can open FundzBazar account in few simple steps
You can still open an account with FundzBazar. In the above mentioned 2nd step of the account opening process, a facility is given to complete paperless ‘Self-IPV based KYC’. You just need to follow few simple steps to complete online KYC in couple of minutes. The process involves uploading ID proof and address proof, providing personal details, completing self IPV & finally uploading signature.